* Croatia

Rhythmic gymnastic Summer Camp

Elena Bosykh


* Dates:

1 period: 15.07.2024 - 27.07.2024 - Zelena Laguna, Porec

2 period: 19.08.2024 - 31.08.2024 - Vrsar



* Staff - Trainers / Coaches

- Elena Bosykh - couch of World Champion

Valentina Ivanitskaya - couch of the winners of three Olympic Games in group exercise;

- Anna Bosykh - coach- choreographer, works with leading European gymnasts

- Lubov Aleksandrova - couch of the Hungarian National team and champion of Hungary 2018-2019 in the junior program



* Programme

- yoga, exercises for support health

- classical choreography (ballet), plastic, modern dance

- acrobatics, physical preparation (general), stretching

- training with  apparatus

- training exercises of gymnasts for competitions

- preparation individual and group exercises (by agreement) 




15.07.2024 - 27.07.2024 (1 period): trainings  held daily except Sunday from 9 to 13 o’clock or from 9 to 15 o’clock (by choose) - in the big sport hall on several Rhythmic gymnastics carpets. There is a choreography hall with mirrors, ballet barres, climbing frames. Sport hall Intersport Center is located in Zelena Laguna (Porec), 200m from the sea.


19.08.2024 - 31.08.2024 (2 period) : trainings  held daily except Sunday from 9 to 13 o’clock or from 9 to 15 o’clock (by choose) - in the big sport hall on the Rhythmic carpets, ballet barres, climbing frames. Sport hall is located in Vrsar, hall Saline, 200m from the sea.



The cost of services, including rent gym, job coaches, choreographer:

- 6 hours training per day - 240 EUR/week

- 4 hours training per day - 180 EUR/week
- individual training by agreement.

Number of  hours training (per day), days and weeks on choice.



* Accommodation

Camp participants can independently arrange accommodation in hotels and apartments within close proximity to sports halls.

Until 05 may 2024, assistance in organizing accommodation can be provided by the International TRAVEL agency:

Ana Jurcan

email address aiurcan@gmail.com

phone +385989816127 


* Applications

Please send applications by email. address boselena@list.ru indicating the following information:

 - name , surname of the participant

 - date of Birth

 - a country

 - duration of stay at the training camp (from what date to what date)

 - number of hours of training per day

 - level of training of the gymnast (optional)


We will be glad to see you at our training camps!